10 Bad Behaviors That Make Men Dump Their Girl Friends


5. Compare financials: How would you feel if someone compared your salary figures to that of your contemporaries? Terrible, surely! Although in today’s world, women see themselves as equals to men, men still think of themselves as bread earners of the family. Treat your man with respect irrespective of his earning. Don’t ever make the mistake of comparing his financials with others.

6. Don’t attempt to mend him: Accept him with all his flaws and abilities. Don’t try and mother him to change his habits according to your needs. Give your man his space and watch how that automatically brings him to you.

7. Giving too much freedom: If you see your man talking to other women at most of the parties and even going to the extent of flirting with them when you’re around, take that as a warning signal and strike on it as soon as possible but don’t be rude, do it politely and in style. You may be making a terrible mistake by trusting your partner blindly with such behavior.

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