10 Categories Of Students That Request For Extra Booklets During Exam



I have carefully and systematically observed quite a fairly few sizeable number of students who request for extra answer sheets in the exam hall, and writing exam yesterday actually gave an incentive that led to the birth of this article.

10 Categories of Students That Request for Extra Booklets During Exam

1. The Oppressors

These categories of students will always top a list like this. They request for extra sheets primarily not because they actually need it but to subject other students to undue pressures making them look like they know nothing. I wrote a very tedious exam yesterday that threw me into a condition where I was looking up to heaven to provide answers to the Greek look alike questions, when this dude subjected all of us to undue pressures by requesting for extra sheets, making us feel like we have only come to school not to learn but for excursion cheesy. Please, join me in prayer so that the lecturer will score me well. cheesy

2.. The Photocopiers

This is the category where I belong (as I no sabi book, at least, I suppose sabi copy well na)cheesy The photocopiers will copy the copiable answers of both friends and enemies regardless of their GPs (whether the GPs of those they are copying are 0.92, 1.00, 1. 1.25, for all they care) as long as their pens are busy. They will add the answers gotten from Noah to the one from Jarus, joined to the one from Seun Osewa, Wristbangle and Oliviaarims. Before you know it, they will write more than anyone else. When their booklets become voluminous and can no longer contain answers, they will request for extra sheets

3. The “I too know”

During lectures, these students will sometimes argue with lecturers and create argumentative scenes in the class; they ask both relevant and irrelevant questions in the lecture hall with a view of gaining publicity. They will ask questions during lectures and will still be the ones to answer it themselves (how ironical? cheesy ). You would think they will hit first class/distinction because of their display of vast knowledge in all courses. They will go into the exam hall with this same character. When a lecturer asks ” Lucidly define Constitution”. They will continue to write and write and go off point; they will narrate how Moses delivered the Israelites from Bondage; and how King Solomon married 500 wives and lusted after 300 concubines; they will even add Biblical references. When their booklets have been filled up, they will request for sheets to finish up their bull-crap.

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