10 Important Reasons Why You Should Join Nigerian Navy


If you want to join Nigerian Navy but are not yet sold on this idea, let us help you out. Check out our list of 10 benefits of joining the Nigerian Navy, which will definitely help you make up your mind right away.

Nigerian Navy is a coveted workplace for many Nigerians, but what makes it so enticing? Let’s find out!


Ok, let’s face it, most people join the navy to see the world, to feel the ocean breeze on their faces and all that jazz. It is probably the biggest selling point of this type of employment. You are not only getting paid for your service at the Nigerian Navy, but you also get the chance to explore the seas on enormous metal beasts of the ships.

However, this type of ‘travelling’ is not for the faint-hearted, as it is far from a luxurious cruise. You will have to get used to staying away from home and your loved ones and not feeling the solid ground under your feet for long periods of time. Nevertheless, this is ultimately worth it.

Improved physique

As we have already mentioned, you definitely will not be sipping cocktails on the deck while you are at the Nigerian Navy. You will be expected to work hard in order to prove that you are worthy to be there. That said, a strong regiment and frequent physical work will do wonders for your body.

While Nigerian Navy requirements assume that you are already healthy and fit, your service will make you even fitter. No more droopy skin and pot bellies! Only muscles from that point forward.

Competitive salary

The Navy values your work and commitment, which is why the salaries it offers are among the most competitive on the market. Taking into account that you are also fed and clothed all the while you are on active duty, we would say that this is quite a great deal!

Of course, do not expect to rake in the cash right away. It will take some time before you find your footing in the navy. After all, this sort of career path might not be for everyone. Nevertheless, after you prove yourself, you will be handsomely rewarded.

Stable employment

Considering the fact that almost 1/5 of Nigerians is currently unemployed, having a stable position with the Nigerian Navy seems like a very good option. You know that it will not disappear into thin air, or that you will be quickly replaced by someone younger than you. Besides, the navy will care for you even after you retire.

It is a dangerous profession at times, there is no denying that. But what is completely safe these days? After all, some people might want to get a dose of adrenaline along with their paycheck.

Free healthcare

As any other military organisation, Nigerian Navy cares about its people and their wellbeing. In addition to receiving a nice paycheck, you can also count on having free healthcare. Along with travelling, it is another major reason why people join Nigerian Navy.

The quality of the healthcare provided to members of Nigerian Navy is also of very high quality. Both you and your family (who fall under your healthcare plan) can expect to receive the best healthcare services available.

Career growth

The military is a place like no other when it comes to climbing the career ladder. The more you serve the higher you can reach. With every new step come new exciting possibilities and perks, which makes hard work feel so rewarding.

Obviously, the higher your position the more money and recognition you earn. From day one, you have the incentive to move forward, as you are surrounded by people, whose ambition matches your own.

Personal growth

In addition to building your career, you will also have a chance to grow as a person. Thanks to the strict discipline, m0ral values and honour code, you can transform from a lazy couch potato into a hardened, reliable and responsible individual.

During your time with the navy, you will also be able to learn about the importance of teamwork and commitment. These two qualities can get you far in life, even if you decide not to continue your career with the navy.

Unique experience

The experience of serving as a part of Nigerian Navy cannot compare with anything else in the world. Where else will you get the chance to see the world, travel the open seas, build your career and have bright prospects, all at the same time?

Thus, if you are looking for something that can bring excitement and meaning into your life, then Nigerian Navy is definitely the way to go for you.


For ages, serving in the military has always been viewed as one of the most respectable occupations. The uniform still has significant weight in society today, so you can be sure that people back home will have nothing but utmost respect for you.

Moreover, if you have previously made some mistakes in your life, joining the navy might be a perfect opportunity to redeem yourself and earn back the respect from your family and friends. Show them that you can go to great lengths to prove yourself.

Serving your country

Last, but certainly not least, serving in the military is the best way to realise your duty as a citizen. You can protect your country, protect those who cannot protect themselves and be that rock you have always wanted to be.

No matter how many issues there might be in Nigeria right now (or any other time), it always needs you as much as you need it. So why not give back to your country by joining the Nigerian Navy? If this article inspired you to find out how to join the Nigerian Navy, you can visit joinnigeriannavy.com to see whether they are currently recruiting.

There are many more benefits of joining the navy, but you can learn more about them from people who have previously served or are currently serving to get a better picture. We hope we have inspired you to do great things in your life 

Source: Naija.ng


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