10 Reasons Why Long Courtship Should Be Avoided By Ladies


7.A good union is not hinged on the number of years both of you spend sleeping with each other in the name of dating or courtship but its in learning to love whoever you choose to marry and making up your mind to be with him against all odds.

8. I believe that for a man to ever propose an affair to you then he must have found you good enough to have to himself and for a decent lady to agree to an affair with a man then she is definitely ready to be with the man except she is a slut so why waste time fooling around with each other all in the name of getting to sleep with each other in the name of dating and courtship?

9. A S£xless date or courtship is the ideal form of courting where both of you try to know just a peripheral detail about yourselves hence once S£x comes in then its no longer dating but unofficial marital union.

10.The responsible and matured guys at heart knows the type of woman they want and do not get involved in baseless dating but simply go for the lady of their choice and marry her.

If you are not ready to marry a lady,don’t make advances towards her just to waste her years sampling her and if you are a lady,stop fooling yourself thinking you are dating him whereas you are just giving him your body to be used and probably dumped and understand that dating and courtship are just facade from the pits of hell aimed at destroying the lives of ladies by becoming single unmarried mothers,losing their lives through abortions and many have contracted deadly diseases all in the name of dating.

Lets face it,a year of S£xless courtship should be enough and one year is not too much to deprive yourself of S£x in order to know that guy better and if a man does not start the process of marrying you within a year then it means you are either dating a small boy for the sake of having S£x or you are probably with a man who is not sure he wants you.

I know that all the sermons in the world will not bring sanity to the facade of dating and courtship and if any lady sees this piece and shoves it aside,my advice to such is to continue to serve herself on the alter of S£xual ecstasy for as many guys as possible in the name of baseless dating or courtship


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