10 Shameful Things Guys Do When They Mistakenly Impregnate Their Girlfriends


pregHowever, the magic words “I am pregnant” is like a shot from a starter’s pistol to an average hustling Naijaboiy which can in most cases causes more swerves to his life cos it gears him into adjusting to a lifelong race requiring commitment, responsibility, diligence, and a general reorganization of his live.
For many dudes, those three magic words are often heard as a close to their otherwise independent life.

A guy can promise you the whole world but will turn his back on you, and in some cases dump you in a wink the moment you tell him you are pregnant for him

I don’t like taking people’s time

Here we go

10 Shameful Things Guys Do When They Mistakenly Impregnate Their Girlfriends

1. They Deny It Vehemently
This should top the list. They will deny it vehemently when they know they can’t take responsibility or when the lady in question was just on a “chop and clean mouth” parol and she’s not worth taking home. *You know that awkward moment when you carelessly impregnate the lady you put on chop and clean mouth parol. Hahaha

2. They Persuade Her To Go For An Abortion
I think this should come second. Those who don’t have good financial standing or capability will force her into committing an abortion. They are unnecessary being nice and caring during those times. They will talk calmly about their unemployment, the weight of their bank account, and the marriage plans they have for her in the future. * if I hear*.. They are only trying to save themselves from shiiiit


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