10 Simple Oral S£x Tips For Women


S£x-HEALTH-LASTING-RELATIONSHIP-696x391If you’ve got the hang of a basic blowjob but are keen to try some fab fellatio moves, get a load of these:

1.    For an interesting entrée, find the line that runs between his balls and start licking it from the lowest point upwards using a soft, flat tongue. Lick in a broad sweep all the way up the shaft of his pe.nis, right to the tip. Maintain passionate eye contact while you repeat the lick nine or ten times, then zoom in on the tip for some focused lovin’ and lickin’.

2.    Take one testicle into your mouth and hum, then repeat with the other one. The vibration effect will feel great. Or hold a vibrator against his balls while you take his pe.nis in your mouth – but put it on gentle vibration unless you know for sure he’s into power tools…

3.    When he’s semi-erect, pop a cock ring on the base of his pe.nis and focus your tongue lashing on the tip. The cock ring makes him look and feel bigger and harder – which is great for the ego – as it stops the blood from flowing out. Don’t use it for longer than 20 minutes, though, as it won’t be fun for anyone if his willy goes numb.

4.    Ask him to tie your hands behind your back, then offer your mouth to please, please him in a position of his choice. With your hands out of action, you’ll have to think out of the box (if you’ll excuse the pun) about how to cajole him to a climax. The light bondage will boost his excitement as it tips the balance of power in his favour.

5.    Hold his pe.nis firmly at the base of the shaft and open your mouth over the head. Now shake his pe.nis from side to side so that the head slaps the inside of your cheeks – but for heaven’s sake keep it away from your teeth! He’ll love the noise of the slapping.

6.    Take one end of a filmy silk scarf into your mouth and use your tongue to swirl the damp, warm fabric over his erection. Blow on him through it. The wet silk against his skin will feel good. It’s a tantalisingly thin barrier between your fingers, mouth and his friend. DRap£ it over the head of his pe.nis and through the fabric, flick and swirl the tip of your tongue around the base of his glans (head).

7.    Find the super-sensitive frenulum – the strip of skin on the underside of the pe.nis the where the head meets the shaft – and flick this with the hard tip of your tongue, or make fast butterfly-like flutter movements across it with your tongue tip.

8.    Numb his glans temporarily with a tiny amount of gel that contains benzocaine or another mild anaesthetic, then watch the surprise on his face as the numbness wears off while you’re giving him oral and sensation floods back into his pe.nis. Don’t lick the area too much or your mouth will go numb…which would be a real mood killer.

9.    Deep throating – the act of taking all of his pe.nis into your mouth – is highly overrated but he’ll probably still be impressed. The key is the angle of your throat. Kneel over him facing his feet, or lie on your back on the bed and dangle your head off the side with your throat and mouth in a straight line. Yeah, I know it sounds a bit gawky but trust me, he won’t be worried about how glam you don’t look. Try to relax your gag reflex (this needs a fair bit of practise). You won’t be able to do much except let him thrust, but hold the base of his pe.nis to control the depth of penetration as it’s not too S£xy choking on his chicken.

10.    This final great trick increases the sensitivity of his head (which is the most sensitive part of the pe.nis anyway). Use your hands to gently pull the penile skin taut to increase the glans’ sensitivity. To do this, encircle his pe.nis with your fingers about two-thirds of the way down his shaft, hold firmly, and pull downwards. Then continue with some great mouth action and watch him shower you with his gratitude!


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