10 Tips On How To Win A Girl’S Heart In 7 Days


4. Be creative
You don’t have to break your bank account to impress her. Think outside the box. Give her what recalls your memory. A lady will appreciated a piece of Reekado Banks’s track you send to her phone rather than buying her a bunch of ice cream from Shoprite.

5. Mean the Business
Girls don’t agree you love them unless you mean the business. I call Bukunmi every day when I finally got her number. I send her encouraging text messages and inspirational Bible verses. I told her I wanted to be her man on the fifth day. She wasn’t ready, but she knew what I wanted. I gave her the time she needed with no stipulations, while still pursuing her intentionally. She told me she loved that.

6. Speak good of her in front of other people
Like I mentioned earlier, girls love it when you praise them, especially when they hear it from other people that a closer to you. Treat her just as kindly in front of friends and family as you do when you are alone.


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