10 Ways Ladies Behave When They Are No Longer Virgins


7. They Mostly Scam Guys

Yes many virgin ladies are usually very proud and tend try to hold themselves in dignity. A guy will have to pester her on a date before she finally agrees; but to a non virgin lady, when you invite her on a date, she will bring gangs of friends without even informing you. This is a bid to eat your money

8. They Upload Boobs/Buttocks Revealing DPs

In my personal belief, I have come to conclusion that ladies who upload boobs and buttocks reveal pictures on social networks are most likely not to be virgins; because, virgin ladies seems to be somewhat shy to do that poo

9. They Will Rain Curses On Me

You heard me right. For a write-up like this, they will storm and rain curses on me. They will give reasons to justify their acts

feel free to add the last one

Thanks for reading

Have fun

Written by: Tosyne2much



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