11 Processed Foods That Will Slowly Kill You


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5. Worst frozen meal White Meat Chicken Pot Pie: 1,161 calories – 65 g fat (25 g saturated) – 1,781 mg sodium. First of all, the potpie is one of the worst dietary foods, and the damage is all the more extreme when the pie seems as big as a kid’s head. Nobody splits potpies, and eating this whole thing will fill your body with more saturated fat than you should eat during your whole day.

6. Worst Breakfasts Arby’s Sausage Gravy Biscuit: 1,041 calories – 61 g fat (20 g saturated, 3 g trans) – 4,700 mg sodium. This is certainly one of the worst ways you can start your day. Eat this one and you will have consumed two full days’ worth of sodium before the noon comes. The key to maintaining a reasonable blood pressure for most people is to take in at least the equivalent amount of potassium and sodium throughout their day. The problem with this biscuit is that you are consuming a heart-threatening level of sodium and almost no potassium. Throw in an abundance of trans fat and calories and you might have been better off sleeping in. Pancake and Sausage Bowl: 711 calories – 30 g fat (12 g saturated) – 891 mg sodium – 35 g sugars. Saturated fat from the sausage, a disastrous trifecta of refined carbohydrates from the pancakes and added sugar from the syrup. So find other less than 401 calories immediately and make the switch. The Big Steak Omelette: 1,491 calories. It is not clear what is more concerning: never ending stacks of sweets slathered with margarine or the reckless attempts at covering the savory side of breakfast with entrees like this one. With close to 3-quarter of a day’s worth of calories loaded into its egg shell, thanks to a heaping portion of fatty beef, you are on the way of eating rice cakes for the next two meals when you start your morning off with this monster. Try enjoying garden scramble and two more real meals instead.

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  1. Tuna melt has 134 grams of fat? You seem to be suggesting this is a specific fast food version, but even so… Mayo is 3G per tablespoon total fat, according to the USDA website. You would really have us believe this sandwich has the equivalent of 40 tablespoons of mayo?


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