12 Exercises To Tone Your Glutes And Get An Amazing Butt


The following are steps to a chieve a toned and shaped but.


Find a platform and step on it bringing your knee as high as you can when stepping down. This will activate your glutes and provide a great cardio workout. For best results you can include weights.

Rear leg lifts

In a crawling position lift one leg towards the ceiling and them swich legs. You can add ankle weights for even better results.


Lie on the floor with your knees bended strech your back and make a bridge. This will thighten your glutes.

Deep squats

To strenghten your core, improve your flexibility and activate your glutes, do low squats keeping your back streight. Keep your stance wider than your shoulders. You can hold weights in front of you as well.

Cossack lunges

Squat with one of your legs outward and then shift the weight on the other leg. Keep your toes pointed upwards.This will improve flexibility and balance and tone your butt.

Fire hydrants

In a crawling position lift one leg outward with your knees bended. Later, swich legs. You can even do circles.This will improve your mobility and strengthen your glutes.

Hip thrusters

Sit on the ground with a bench behind you. Put your shoulders on the bench and lift your body like you’re making a bridge.

Horse stance

Stand streight and spred your legs like squating. Stop midway as if you’re sitting on a chair. Do this for 15-30 second and later increase the duration.This will build your thighs and glutes.

Plie squats

Spread you legs with you toes poining outward. Do a squat and stop midway.

Side leg lifts

To build the smaller muscles in your legs and the glutes, just lie on one side lifting up your leg and then swich.

Gluteal squeezes

In a lying position lift your hips from the ground and hold for several seconds.

Flutter kicks

Lie on the floor with your butt resting on your hands do a walking motion in the position. Do this 3 times weekly to shape your butt and abs.




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