5 Signs Your Partner Is Cheating On You On Facebook


glancing towards their phone, you’ll notice how visibly uneasy they look.

4 – One Person Keeps Liking And Commenting On Any Of Thier Activities

Of course, we all have hundreds of friends on Facebook and it’s not possible for you to be familiar with each and every one of your partner’s Facebook friends. But the thing with these random friends, who even your partner doesn’t know very well, is that they won’t show much activity on your partner’s timeline.

Their presence won’t be significant and it’s very unlikely that any of these friends will ever catch your attention. But if you’ve started to notice this one new person who is always the first one to like your
partner’s pictures and even comment with some inside joke they seem to share, then maybe it’s time to get to know who this unfamiliar person is.

5 – They Are Prepared & Ready To Defend Their Action Incase Of Eventualities

This is actually a common trait that all kinds of cheaters share. If you’ll ever question them over their suspicious behavior or try to find out what’s actually going on, they’ll be ready to get angry and leave, to deny your accusations without any explanation of what the problem was and maybe to even shift the blame towards you.


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