5 Things Dark Skinned People Are Tired Of Hearing



As funny as it may sound, there are things you should stop saying to dark skinned ladies and men. Stop the insensitivity.

Most times we hear people throw “good” and bad compliments at nonfair people without giving a thought to the psychological damage their statements can have on them and the nation.

In 2016, we should have learnt so many things from history. Come out from the cloak of willful ignorance and embrace truth.

Stop saying these to dark skin people:

1. You are dark BUT beautiful Wth. Most people say this without going through what they are saying. Why BUT and not AND? because they think dark skin is ugly! Simple. They are saying “well youve got a beautiful face and body but you are covered in ugliness.” In other words, you are not so beautiful. Put it to them that this is what they imply, and they become self defensive.

But is dark skin ugly? The truth is dark skin is as ugly as fair skin just as fair skin is as beautiful as dark skin. And beautiful people come in all shades


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