5 Things Dark Skinned People Are Tired Of Hearing


2. You will be cuter if you were fair This is similar to the first but it carries with it such guts and certainty.

Like seriously? a beautiful 10 and a handsome 10 are brought before you and the only thing you can think of is “well they look good, but they will be better fair.” Good enough, this statement only reveals the mental damage that you, the judge is suffering from.

The problem with this statement is that it denies reality. You are of the opinion that a beautiful dark skin lady will look better fair but reality says beautiful people look better always.

3. Light skinned people look better What now? Be jealous and hate yourself O ye dark people! Not only is this a lie it brings shame and disgrace to the entire continent. A lie has no good consequence.

An ugly fair man is called handsome and a handsome dark man is called average looking or some times ugly. O ye of poor taste and battered minds, you think like children and are short-sighted.

Again, reality says beautiful people look better always.


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