5 Things That Is Hurting Your Partner & Also Destroying Your Relationship Life


Putting Everything Else First

Everyone likes to feel special and when in a relationship, it should be a priority to make your partner feel special as often and as much as you can. Your partner should always be your first priority. Even if you have to deal with something else before your partner, be courteous and let your partner know either before or after you’ve taken care of whatever it is. Remember, no one likes to feel unimportant, including you.

Forcing Your Partner to Conform To Your Ideals

Remember, your partner is not your doppelganger. As much as you two might have a lot in common, you can’t have everything in common. Therefore, there are certain things you will allow your partner do or believe out of respect for who they are, to make them feel comfortable and to make them feel loved. It might not make you feel comfortable at all, but if it matters to them or they are unable to change it (no matter how hard they have tried), you don’t force them, you learn to accept and accommodate them that way.


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