5 Things To Know Before Using A Swimming Pool In Nigeria


2. Be careful with your mobile device

It is no secret that water is no friend to the mobile device and most times when people go to the pool area, they leave their phones at the edge of the pool or on whatever chair they may have placed their towel. It is advisable you leave your phone safely locked in a safe in your hotel room before coming down to swim. If you are however too attached to your phone, you can bring it with you but you will endeavor to put it in a plastic bag if you plan to keep it near the pool and keep a watchful eye over it lest it gets stolen.

3. Do not forget the Sunscreen and Bug spray

This is very important if you are swimming in the noon time. Some hotels will offer you mini bottles but it is always advisable to come with yours, so that you are sure the cream contains enough SPF to protect your skin. Again, bugs tend to frequent pool areas and to avoid being severely bitten, take the bug spray along too.


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