5 Things You Must Deal With Thoroughly Before You Marry


5 Things You Must Deal With Thoroughly Before You Marry

Prepare yourself for marriage by doing these…

(1) Odour and Hygiene: At all cost, make sure you don’t have mouth Odour and body Odour. Make sure you are simply neat also. You may not have much, but make sure you don’t have nasty body Odour or mouth Odour. If you do, deal with it now before you marry. Body Odour and mouth Odour “can silence” the power of good character.

(2) Attitude: Train yourself on how to speak less, how to react wisely, and how to be nice to people. The day you start gaining self-control in reacting to ugly situations, that shows you’ve attained some level of maturity. Speak the truth, iron out what is wrong, correct it clearly, and be polite in the best way you can.

(3) Ex and Past: When you meet your original future partner, please close the doors to your ex and past. You need a new beginning. Sometimes people get what they probably longed for, yet may still go back to taste what they have left.

(4) Your Career Structure: You may not be earning a lot, but have a defined career before you marry. If you are an accountant, define yourself to be an accountant. If you are into supermarket and trading, define yourself into it. It doesn’t make sense to be in different confusing career paths before marriage. You may have other side businesses or work, but make sure you are known for a career or job before you marry. Betting is not a career, Bitcoin is not a career, crypto is not a career, forex is not a career, online business may not be a career. Some of these may give you additional income legally, but never get a tangible career before marriage.

(5) Your Integrity: You Must begin to develop integrity. Do it consciously. When you fix an appointment, honour it or politely cancel it if you can’t make it. Learn to be faithful. Don’t expect people to be faithful to you alone while you cheat. You know how it hurts if you are thoroughly cheated on, so if you don’t want to be cheated on, don’t cheat on people… Don’t devastate people and then beg for forgiveness, because may not be able to forgive if you too is devastated.


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