5 Tips To Feeding Your Large Breed Dog With Nutritious Food


Large breed dogs require highly nutritious foods for good muscular growth. A good diet will also enable them to maintain a lean body, and also prevent common health issues including joint and skeletal health problems. You should identify a good large breed puppy food for proper growth and development of your dog. A few large breed dog feeding tips can help in maintaining good health of your dog.

Here are 5 tips to feeding your large breed dog with nutritious food:

  1. Regular check-ups by a veterinarian

You should not wait until the dog’s health deteriorates to have a vet check on it. There should be regular checkups. This way, you can detect any health and diet issues that the dog may be experiencing. Early detection makes it possible for a possible solution to be found. AAA veterinarian can also advise on good nutrition and supplementation if need be.

  1. Choose the best large breed food

In some cases, a veterinarian can recommend the best large breed food brand. Through a small research, you may also identify the best food for your large breed dog. Another way to identify some of the best brands for large breed dog is through networking and referrals from friends and family. Some of the best brands include Fromm family foods, Orijen and Wellness core among others. It is important to check on the ingredients to ensure that you are giving your dog healthy foods.

  1. Portion control

The portion you give your large breed dog should be controlled. Overfeeding a large breed dog will lead to weight gain which may strain the skeletal muscles and cause health complications You should control the calorie intake of your dog even though you are giving it nutritious meals. The guiding principle should be to ensure that the dog is getting enough food that contains all the right nutrients that the dog requires on a daily basis.

  1. Food intolerance

Some large breed dogs may have a food intolerance. Before feeding a dog with a new brand, you should consider its food intolerance levels.  A vet can assist you to identify food intolerance in dogs especially when you notice a change in behavior and feeding habits when you introduce new foods to your dog. Most dogs have no sensitivity to whole grain-based foods. Such foods are rich in B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and iron among other vital nutrients.

  1. Feeding schedule

It is important to feed a large breed dog at regular intervals and with nutritious foods.  This can help prevent bloating which makes the dog restless or cause an enlarged abdomen that can be very uncomfortable. It is also advisable to avoid exercising the dog at least for two hours after feeding. This will help in preventing bloating. In case your dog becomes bloated, you should immediately seek medical attention as this can be life-threatening.

Feeding your large breed dog with nutritious food helps to maintain good health. Basic ingredients to consider include omega-6 fatty acids, glucosamine, and high-quality proteins. You should also ensure that the formula is highly digestible for faster absorption



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