6 Dating Tips For Shy Guys & How To Overcome Your Shyness


4)      Find friends who are more outgoing than you are. By simply going out with trusted friends who are already the life of the party, you will find it much easier to loosen up and come out of your shell. Do this often, and you will find yourself naturally becoming more like your outgoing friends.

5)      Commit. When you make the decision to approach a woman and speak to her, remain committed no many how uncomfortable you feel. Never run away from the interaction, but practice managing tension. Any interaction can go really well or really poorly. But if you’re going to go for it, don’t do it half way! Stand tall and maintain your positive attitude no matter how she reacts.

6)      Do what you love. Do you love rock concerts? Hiking? NBA games? Find people who share those interests and join up with them. It’s hard to be shy when you’re doing something that gets you excited. Women will notice when you’re at your best


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