6 Tips for a Graceful Break Up


Here are 6 tips to break up with your partner without hurting

1. Be honest: with yourself and with your partner. If it’s not going to work anymore, the feelings are not the same, etc., you have to be real with yourself about why your relationship needs to end.

2. Be responsible: for your mistakes, actions, and faults as well. We often may think of the other person’s faults for why you’re breaking up, but consider your ways too and admit them. You are also responsible for your well being, and if the relationship compromises that in a negative way, you must take the proper steps to protect yourself.

3. Be mindful: of the place you’re both in, the other person’s emotions, timing, etc. Go when God says go, as the word says, we should not act on our anger. Think with righteous judgment on when to break up with your partner. There’s never a “right time,” but there are certainly more appropriate times than others, so use wisdom.

4. Be strong: on your position in the decision. Don’t waver if you have to move one; have no fear about being single, being alone for a season, your partner negotiating with you to stay for any reason, etc. Stand your ground.

5. Be sensitive: to the Spirit by praying and meditating on the Word before having the talk with your partner. Have peace within your spirit about moving on and moving forward with this.

6. Be forgiving: of the past, what they’ve done, and of yourself. Unforgiveness holds so many of us back from moving on and being happy in our future, with or without a partner.

There’s no set formula on how break up with a friend or date, but it goes a lot smoother when you include the peace of God. Don’t be held back from doing what is good and right by someone. If you haven’t done so in the past like I have, you must forgive yourself and pray for the other person’s healing. There can be closure to this, God can and will help you if you allow Him to.


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