7 Basic Things You Should Know Before Marrying A Yoruba Girl



Yoruba girls will meet your definition of archaic and indigenous women who know how to play their cards well in marriages. You can be sure that they would handle the affairs of your home with wisdom as they seem to have gathered a wealth of experiences before being married.

Since we have talked about the important things to know before marrying an Igbo girl, it would not be fair for us not to check out the same for Yoruba girls. Yoruba girls have interesting cultural background, there are many interesting sides to them.

There are many things you need to know about Yoruba girls if you want to marry them; this would at least prepare your mind as to what to expect in the marriage.

Marriage is a life long journey that you need to prepare for. It is a bit tasking as two different individuals with different orientation and backgrounds are coming together to become a unit. It is definitely not a child’s play.

Coming back to Yoruba girls, they are ladies that would not fall your hand when you take them out to parties. The way they would blend at the party would make you think they were born for that purpose alone. They would never fall your hand as they always find a way of representing one way or the other.

Before we delve into the issue at hand, we know you like Yoruba ladies because of their huge backside. Find below some of the things you should know about Yoruba girls before you go on to marry one:



Before you get married to a Yoruba girl, you should know that her Saturdays would be booked. There would always one party of the other for her to attend. Even when she does not have valid invitation card, she would find a way to create a bond with the host and give you a reason why she has to be there.

They take it upon themselves to celebrate with people around them. This means you will keep buying asoebi as long as you are married to them.

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