7 Kinds Of Friends You Should Totally Avoid


5.) Those who get closer to your partners more than yourself
Those friends who get so friendly with your spouse or partners or your kids are dangerous. These people come into your life and then become your partners’ or children’s best friend all of a sudden. It could sound ok for some of you but it’s super dangerous because they could break up your relationship with one lie, the truth or an action. Keep friends close but not close enough to hurt you.

6.) Those friends who love to borrow your items
One thing than can break up any relationship faster than distance is money. Your friend borrows money from you and assures you of the date he/she will pay back… then they don’t! These situations get so bitter and nasty it could lead to family wars, enmity or even death. Also, those friends who love borrowing clothes, jewelries, shoes etc. Keep them at arms-length.



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