7 Places Se.x Starved Dudes Stylishly Romance Ladies


1. In a commercial bus

This is peculiar to BRT, danfo and journey buses. However, due to the bad nature of Nigerian roads which serves as a catalytic process for dudes to express their “konji”, they seize the moment of galloping to stylishly hit ladies bosom. Also for BRT(standing position), such dudes stylish hit their joystick against a lady’s backyard to satisfy their urge.

2. At shopping mall

Though less common @ this place but it happens atimes when there is long queue to the cashier place. Somehow some dudes spot en downed ladies to stylishly have body contact with them.

3. Banking hall

Some banks are synonymous with long queues and as a result some guys book space in front of heavily gifted lady to enjoy her pillow.


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