7 Simple Tips To Make Your b*tt Bigger


1. Wear high heels. Heels can change the natural curve of your spine, causing both your b*tt and your b**bs to protrude more.

NOTE: If you’re not sure that this works, get in front of a mirror and stand up on your tiptoes. Take a few steps, and you’ll notice how the movements of your legs and b*tts are a little more enlarged. Your legs should also look more toned, and your b*tt should appear to be an inch or two higher.

2. The smaller you can get your waist while building up your b*tt, the more your hips will appear wider and your b*tt bigger and rounder. So for this reason, it’s important you include the right type of core exercises in your routine. If you’re going for the hourglass waist look, don’t do any yoga or Pilates abdominal exercises as they will only give you that boxed, straight looking torsos. Try doing exercise such as jogging, belly dancing, twist crunches, and side crunches.

3. Build up your b*tt muscles. You can make your b*tt rounder and larger by increasing the strength of the muscles in it, known as your gluteus. Do the following exercises at least 3 times a week for the best and fastest results:

• Squats. The best b*tt expanding exercise is the full squat. Stand erect with your feet about shoulder width apart and your arms extended in front of you. Bend your knees to a ninety degree angle with your back straight, then rise back up. Do this 3 times a day, and in each set, repeat 20 times

• b*tt Bridges. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your arms at your sides. Lift your b*tt toward the ceiling, then lower it. Do this 3 times a day, and in each set, repeat 10 times

• You can also do kick backs. Stand on one leg. With the leg that is free off the ground, kick it back until you see your b*tt squeeze into a bubble. Repeat 10 times and switch to the other leg.

4. Change the way you walk. Throw your shoulders back and curve your lower back. This will not only make your b*tt more spectacular, but it will also slim your body a bit and make your chest look bigger.


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