7 Surprising Side Effect Of Eating Too Many Cucumbers


Cucumber is a widely cultivated plant belonging to the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae. In general, it is known as a vegetable but scientifically speaking, cucumber is a fruit.

Cucumbers were first cultivated in southern Asia but is now grown in many parts of the world. Cucumbers are very rich in nutrients and are well known for their health benefits and beauty benefits.

Eating cucumbers is good for our health but only when they are consumed in moderation as excessive consumption of cucumbers is bad for our health. Some of the major side effects of eating too many cucumbers are as follows.

1. It could prove to be toxic
The presence of the toxins, such as cucurbitacins and tetracyclic triterpenoids in cucumber is a thing to worry about. Studies have proven that these elements trigger the bitter taste in these wonderful veggies. Researches point out that consuming cucumber beyond moderation could even be life threatening.

2. Excessive loss of fluid
Cucumber seeds are the source of cucurbitin, an ingredient that is known to possess innate diuretic properties. Even though the diuretic nature is mild, excessive intake could prove to be less harmful for you. When ingested in large quantities, this diuretic ingredients result in excessive elimination of fluid from your body, hampering the electrolytic balance. In extreme conditions, it could leave you gravely dehydrated!

3. It may cause sinusitis
If you have sinusitis or any kind of chronic respiratory conditions, then it is advisable to stay away from eating cucumber. If Ayurvedic practitioners are to be believed, the cooling effects of these veggies aggravate such conditions, leading to complications.

4. Harmful for renal system
Hyperkalemia is a medical condition that arises due to the presence of high potassium content in the body. It leads to bloating, abdominal cramps, and intestinal gas, initially. The condition worsens over the time, hampering the functioning of the kidneys in an effective way. This, in turn, puts your renal system at the risk of succumbing to damages.

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5. Watch your heart
Cucumber, as you all know, contains more than 90% of water in it. And drinking excess leads to excessive ingestion of this fiber loaded veggie. The higher the water intake, the higher the net volume of blood will be. This, in turn, exerts pressure on the blood vessels and on the heart. The result – your heart and blood vessels will incur unwanted damages. Excessive presence of water could also create an imbalance in the electrolyte levels of the blood, which actually causes the seepage in cells. This will lead to frequent headaches and obstructed breathing.

6. Milk allergy
This sounds weird, but true. Many a time, farmers use wax to coat the skin of these fragile veggies to safeguard it from insects as well as shipping damages. Wax is made up of numerous ingredients, including milk casein, soaps, and ethyl alcohol. People who are allergic to milk can demonstrate an allergic reaction to milk casein as well.

7. Bloating and flatulence
Cucumbers, as mentioned above, contain an ingredient called cucurbitacin. This element can trigger indigestion in certain people, especially if they have a sensitive digestive system. Indigestion triggers bloating and flatulence, which your body tries to eliminate in the form of burps and farts. If you form gas in your stomach by eating onions, cabbage, and/or broccoli, then it is advisable to restrict the consumption of cucumbers as well.


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