7 Things That Are Normal For Couples To Fight About


Time spent together: Couples often fight about how much time they’re spending together, with one typically feeling like it’s not enough. Sometimes they argue about how they’re spending time together. “Instead of fighting, sit down and talk about what each of you wants to spend time on, what you want to share and what you want to do separately,” advises Tessina. “A healthy relationship needs a balance between together and separate time. Are you spending the most time on what is most important?”

Annoying habits: It’s a fact: When you live with someone, his annoying little quirks and habits can really start to get to you and seem unbearable. The solution? Talk about it so the little things don’t get out of hand and become big things that could seriously threaten your relationship or marriage. “All of us have little traits that annoy our partners,” Tessina says.”These personal ‘quirks’ can produce major struggles unless both partners discuss them and work together to minimize the annoyance factors. Quirks like differences in messiness or neatness, when endured for months and years, can feel like sufficient reason to get a divorce.” She says the best approach is to tell your significant other what bothers you in a nice, not insulting or hurtful way, and then find a solution you’re both happy with. “Many of these things may seem so insignificant that you feel embarrassed to be so unhappy about them, but if you and your partner can’t negotiate and resolve your frustration, small irritations can create enough resentment over time to become serious problems.”

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