7 Ways People Enter Into Evil Covenants



What is the meaning?

A covenant is an accepted decision between two parties. It could be more than two. It can be described as an agreement between two or more people to establish a relationship in which promises, responsibilty and punishment for breaking the convenant are made. Covenant is legally binding. It is irreversible.It is the final irrevocable commitment. It is like a chain binding two people together. The covenant made the two to have one thing in common that keep them together.

However, the enemy of the soul of men, the devil has corrupted the original intention of covenant, he has created a counterfeit covenant called evil covenant, this one, is deceitfully done. It could be conscious evil covenant or unconsciuos evil covenant. It could be satanic. The devil is always looking for who to devour.

Certain things are important for forming a covenant, 1. People 2. Words 3. Reason.4. Place. 5. Blessings or punishment for breaking the covenant.

Words are very vital for forming a covenant, silent or loud, verbal, written or thought. There is a powerful connection between words and covenant.

Broken covenant is deadly. It may lead to chronic poverty, disaster, sudden death, calamity, barreness and madness.
Evil covenant is like a primitive trade by barter. It is an exchange. For example, the satanic priest can say, if you can sleep in the grave for so so days, you will be rich, if you can sleep with a young virgin girl, you will not die early in life…

Now, how do people enter into evil covenants?

1. Se.x outside marriage: It does not matter if you use condom, a covenant is made. 1 corithian 6:16 “What? Know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? For two, saith he, shall be one flesh” so, 1+1=1. During Se.x many things are transfered, diseases, body fluid, and liquid. Spiritually, a lot of transaction take place, a lady dedicated to marine shrine will have many demons, let’s say 100 demons, this lady now sleep with a clean man, this man will collect 50 demons from this lady. Again, this man with 50 demons is now Se.xually loose, he begins to sleep with another girl, the new girl will get 25 out of the 50. It goes on and on. The life of this man is divided, shared, anytime he does it,he can never remain the same.

Also, the first time you had Se.x and the way it was done, has a heavy spiritual consequence.

2. Pictures: If you have promised to marry somebody and you change your mind about that person, your picture in the hand of your former boyfriend or girlfriend is a powerful tool to enter into evil covenant.

3. Blood: Every incision, cut in the body, mark in the body are all covenants. Lovers cutting each other, mixing the blood with wine in a container to drink is a terrible covenant. Blood covenant is the most powerful because life is in the blood.

4. Counterfeit Religion: The devil has corrupted covenant, he has created counterfeit. Whenever you see original, there must be counterfeit, this is the reason behind various spiritual houses called churches with shrine where they burn candles, incense and are using holywater. They are all covenant houses set up as a trap for idolatry and occultism.

5. Occultic covenant: Cult society, they swear allegiance promising they will never leave the group with blood.

6. Food and drinks: Food collected from agent of darkness or satanic altar. Beware, food can kill especially free food. Parent should warn their children. They could be initiated into the demonic world through food.

7. Demonic fashion: Wearing clothes that expose your body will give demons access to your body. Demonic ring repackaged as wedding ring.

Historically and Biblically,Jewellery had connections with idolatry, charms, spells, and enchantment. People put on rings for Goodluck, for transfer of virtue, to beat or even kill. Almost all occult societies have their own rings on their fingers, even, preachers and christians are not left out. Ring sold in various markets are not only for fashion, those rings have power to connect you to the demonic world against your wish.

A single ring could destroy your life forever. It could actually turn you to a money making machine.

What are the signs that evil covenants are in place?

When problems are Resistant to prayers and couselling, you command the demon to go, and the demon says NO.

A very bad habit that is difficult to break, addicted to drugs, smoking, alcoholism.

Discussing the Bible without an encounter with God or personal exprience.

Inability to concentrate.

The way out is to connect with the blood of Jesus to break the evil covenant.

How? Give your life to Jesus.

God bless you


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