8 Red-Alert Signs Your v**ina Is SERIOUSLY Unhealthy


3. Itching or irregular discharge.

If you have discharge that looks like cottage cheese and has a yellow or white consistency, you may have a yeast infection.

“This is caused by a fungal infection and overgrowth of yeast, and can be caused by taking antibiotics, unbalanced pH, wearing tight non-breathable underwear or clothing, douching, or an unhealthy diet too high in sugars. You can get over-the-counter creams, pills and suppositories, but recurring yeast infections mean you will have to make changes in your diet and cut back on sugars and alcohol,” says Isadora.

Drinking water and eating yogurt are natural remedies to help prevent and treat yeast infections.

4. Burning sensations when urinating.

This can be a sign of UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) and is often caused by s*x. These are also readily treatable with antibiotics.

5. Inability to insert tampons.

“Painful s*x is usually a psychological issue, but in rare cases it’s an imperforate hymen — women born with extra tissue around the opening of the v**ina,” says Isadora. This can be diagnosed by a gynecologist and treated with surgery.


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