9 Things You Should Never Do After A Fight With Your Partner


8. Mention the word divorce

It seems as soon as you say anything about getting a divorce the ball just keeps rolling. If someone has that in any part of their mind it is like saying they don’t want to work on the problem, but would rather walk away. There are times when a marriage doesn’t work, but the majority of the time problems can be resolved. Make it a rule to never even bring that word into the conversation. It will make a big difference for what direction your fights take.

9. Not kiss and make up

It is important to reach the point in the argument where you both feel better. Take that time to kiss and make up. Tell each other that you love each other, and apologize so that you can both move on. If one person is still upset, take the time to make sure you reach the point where he or she is OK. Don’t walk away, don’t move on; make it a priority for the fight to be completely over before changing the topic or doing something else.

Fighting is never fun, but by not making these nine mistakes, your fights will be more easily resolved. Remember to continue to love who it is you are fighting with, and realize you can get through disagreements.


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