9 Types Of Kisses And Their Meaning


4. French kiss. Also called the king of kisses. And this is for a reason! A bit of theory: it involves open mouths and tongue interaction. French kiss is too complex to be described generally, thus it requires further subdivision.

b) Tongue Tango. Ideally an elegant ballet of tongue play, the Tongue Tango occurs when the tips of the tongues push off of each other and twist around as if saying:  “I think outside the box in and out of bed.”

c) He’s Eating My Mouth. The kisser opens his or her mouth as wide as possible, rolls their tongue all around and down their partner’s throat and then, inexplicably, slides it all over their poor partner’s face.

It means: “I want you to think I’m really s*xual and passionate but in reality, I am totally oblivious to your vibe and will probably stink in bed. Big time.”


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