9 Types Of Kisses And Their Meaning


7. Hard-mouth-closed. This one is featured in many classic films. It occurs when the leading man finally pins down his female nemesis/love interest and plants one on her. Accompanied by a wrist grab, it says: “I’m going to teach you not to sass me and give me guff, by gum!”

8. Against The Wall. As simple as that: “I want you so bad.”  This kiss occurs spontaneously and in a semi-public setting. But that awkward moment when you always wish there was a bed nearby that you could collapse into…

9. The Bend Back. Although it is old-fashioned, it’s extremely romantic, when the man leans in to his woman and bends her backward, often with one hand holding the small of your back, and the other placed gently against the side of your face. NB: This kiss is only for those crazy in love with each other and wishing to say: “Darling, I am yours. Hold onto your petticoats as my white steed approaches to whisk us away to fairy-land.”

St. Valentine’s Day is behind, but so many kisses have been left unpracticed…


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