Nigerian Pirates Kidnap Five Crew Members From Morocco.


Nigerian pirates have kidnapped five crew members from a general cargo vessel identified as the Panama-flagged Oya 1 around 15 nautical miles south west of Bonny Island. Three of the victims are from Morocco. The incident, according to World Maritime News, quoting Moroccan media, occurred July 31.

The attack was confirmed by IMB Piracy Reporting Centre.

“The incident was reported to the Nigerian navy who responded and located the ship. It was reported that some crew members were missing,” the IMB said.

Based on the latest report from the piracy watchdog, pirates in Nigeria continue to dominate when it comes to reports of kidnappings, and vessels being fired upon.

In recent time, 31 crew in five reported incidents have been taken by Nigerian pirates.

The numbers include 14 crew members taken from two separate vessels in the second quarter of the year.


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