Actress, Mimi Orjiekwe Subtly Shades Her At Exstranged Husband On Instagram


Actress, Mimi Orjiekwe threw an obvious shade at her ex-husband, Charles Billion with a few invectives.

Mimi Orjiekwe took to her Instagram page on Friday, April 13, 2018, where she threw shades at her estranged husband.

“So I was just reading a script that got me thinking … what makes some men sooo irresponsible … I ve thought soo much and I don’t just understand .is it Upbringing or family orientation or showbiz or infact it’s crazy .. how can u ve babies with 3 diff women .. u don’t and cannot pay bills for any of your child cos ur broke round the clock and u still go on to impregnate another .. is it a cause from the devil himself .. so now u ve diff children growin in d hands of diff women u don’t even make an attempt to assist or co parent ..this women re struggling to keep up and fight for there child’s best ,  And u ‘ve d gut to do a condom advert ..hell will even reject you ..good part is the table turns around and Favour’s d women like me ..  the joy of becoming a parent is unmeasurable I wonder why some parents choose to be a Judas .. God help u..Ladies beware of such half dozen typo men #findadozenfull#”she wrote.


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