Cassper Nyovest sends light to Gigi Lamayne


Cassper Nyovest is out on social media supporting artists in the industry and backlashing every artists or person that is trying to hate.

Recently, Gigi Lamayne who overcame depression months back and left Ambitiouz entertainment to be an independent rapper revealed on social media that social media has broken her.

“Social media broke me so much, I don’t think I feel anything anymore,” Gigi tweeted.

However, AKA saw the tweet and immediately advised her to give her phone a break.

“Here’s some advice that worked for me … just put your phone down,” AKA responded.

Cassper also sent light to the female rapper via tweet, saying:

“Dont worry, baby girl. It has nothing to do with you or your worth. They do it to everyone. Especially the ones they envy. Sending you light. Keep working,” Cas said.


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