Things You Should Know Before Visiting Cambodia, The Land Of Superstations


Cambodia is a Southeast Asian nation whose landscape spans low-lying plains, the Mekong Delta, mountains, and Gulf of Thailand coastline.

Phnom Penh, its capital, is home to the art deco Central Market, glittering Royal Palace, and the National Museum’s historical and archaeological exhibits.

In the country’s northwest are the ruins of Angkor Wat, a massive stone temple complex built during the Khmer Empire.

Here are few important things you should know before going to Cambodia.

Cambodians are superstitious

Superstition almost runs parallel to religion in Cambodia, with the belief of spirits and superpowers running rife – a factor that perhaps explains Cambodians’ obsession with horror films.

Blessings are given before new businesses open, fortune-tellers predict the lucky day for couples to wed, caged songbirds are released for a small sum of riel for good luck – the list goes on.

Cambodians are traditional

Cambodia is still a very traditional country. While this is changing with each generation, for now it remains steeped in traditions that both young and old live by.

This is something worth remembering as a visitor. They are generally modest people so being overly affectionate in public, flashing way too much flesh and drunken brawls in the street will be frowned upon.

Cambodians are religious

Buddhism rules in Cambodia, with 97% of the population following Theravada Buddhism. And the majority of Cambodians practise their religion, including younger generations. Monks are respected, pagodas litter the country, images of Buddha hang in homes above offerings, and temples are attended during religious holidays.

Cambodians are family orientated

Family comes first, second and third in Cambodia, with life revolving around the home. Families also tend to be large, with siblings, aunties, uncles, cousins,AC and other distant relatives coming together during large celebrations, such as Pchum Ben and Khmer New Year, to celebrate.

Cambodians love to throw a party

Ask any expat and the feeling that washes over you when you walk out of your home to find white marquees being flung up in the road is utter dread.

Why? Because it means up to five days of loud music, singing, and chanting from early morning until late at night. Whether it’s a wedding, anniversary, funeral, or other special celebrations, Cambodians love to throw extravagant parties and invite everyone they’ve ever met in their life.


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