5 Reasons Why Se.x is Healthy




Apart from the pleasure that Se.x brings, Se.x has tons of other benefits. Here are just five of them.

Improved Cardiac health:
The act of Se.x, we agree is a form of physical activity that results in the heart beat increasing.Several studies have found that your risk of dying from a heart disease event such as stroke or heart attack goes down as the frequency of your good orgasms increase over time.

Releases stress:
Se.x is a form of therapy that washes away stress.

Cancer prevention. Research has suggested that men may reduce their risk of prostate cancer proportionately to their good orgasms and the stimulation of their testicles. While more research is needed, this would certainly be a welcome Se.x benefit.

Better sleep. Although experts are not sure exactly why Se.x works to improve sleep, there appears to be some evidence that it does. So don’t be too surprised if you and your partner doze off shortly after a satisfying Se.xcapade — and wake up feeling refreshed!

Better mood. It’s no wonder you’ve got a more positive outlook post-Se.x: There are biochemical rationales for experiencing improved mood as a Se.x benefit, from the neurotransmitters that may be released during healthy Se.x to the mood enhancers contained in semen itself. “And”, adds Caron, “there’s a lot to be said simply for the mood-boosting effect of having a nice connection with somebody that you trust and care about.”

Enjoying a healthy Se.x life is one of the great joys in life. Knowing intimacy could be a boon for your long-term health as well makes it that much more pleasurable.


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