Tips on what to eat to make your skin glow and healthy


There are a wide varieties of creams in the market that claim to make you glow. But each of us have different skin tones and types. When a brand claims that a product works on all skin types, it’s probably debatable, because only natural extracts can achieve this claim. Nature has a solution to every problem and there’s an important class of food substances, vitamins, which make skin glow naturally by influencing the melanin present in the skin.



Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is known to aid the repair of tissues. Regular intake of Vitamin A keeps the skin firm, moist and prevent it from drying up. But it should be consumed in small quantities since it is fat soluble. The fat that is accumulated due to excess Vitamin A is stored in the liver, which is harmful for the body. Sources of Vitamin A include: dairy products, eggs and fish oils as well as vegetables like spinach and carrots.

Vitamin B:

It improves the color of the skin, and nourishes your hair. It provides the skin with the capacity to secrete essential oils. This vitamin is water soluble and can be consumed daily. This is also one of the amazing skin glow vitamins.
Green leafy vegetables,cereal, and wheat germ are the best sources of Vitamin B.

Vitamin C:

Vitamin C benefits the skin, and  prepares the body to fight against infections. It is a great antioxidant and helps in battling the anti aging signs. It helps in the production of collagen in the skin, making it feel supple and look youthful.
Vitamin C is found in citric fruits such as oranges, lemons, gdefiles and mangoes. It can be consumed on daily basis. Vegetables like cucumber and tomatoes are also abundant in Vitamin C.

Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is the most important vitamin for healthy skin. It is responsible for fighting anti aging signs effectively. It fights stretch marks and lines. Sources of Vitamin E are: Olives, peanuts, and almonds.
Vitamin E, if consumed in the right doses, nourishes your skin and makes you glow.

Vitamin K:

Vitamin K, when consumed in the right doses, protects the skin from bruising and blemishing  easily. Green leafy vegetables are the best possible source of Vitamin K. It should also be noted that when vitamin C and vitamin E are taken together internally, they have been shown to increase the ability of the skin to protect itself from sun damage. It has even been hypothesized that this combination might give your skin a natural sun protection (SPF) of 2, bingo!

Shun whitening, bleaching soaps, creams and serums. Add vitamins to your food diet and watch nature do magic on the number one thing you put on daily “SKIN”


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