Segun Arinze: I Don’t Believe In Buhari, I Support Jonathan


Read what Segun Arinze said when asked why he is yet to congratulate Buhari for his victory?


“I stood for what I believed in and if I had the opportunity, I would do it all over again.I do not ever regret campaigning for Jonathan. If I believed in Buhari, I would have done the same thing. I wish him all the best and hope he would take the country to a better place. It is no longer about Buhari or Goodluck but about Nigeria. I am not a card carrying member of PDP; I supported the President because I believed he has done well for my industryand Nigeria as a whole. I am a Nigerian and I have every right to the freedom of expression.

Being silent would be foolhardy on my part. In 2011, I was campaigning for Fashola, why was I not silent at that time? We are all Nigerians and I don’t think Buhari would victimise me because I supported Jonathan.”

May be he will change his mind once Buhari start lavishing money on Nollywood like GEJ did.


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