Tush Magazine Presents: Meet & Greet with Praiz, Suka Sounds, Goddess of Skills and others!




Amidst the successful release of its 10th issue, Tush Kingdom Media [publishers of Tush Magazine] has organized a free autograph and photograph session with its cover page personality, Praiz and other featured personalities.

The event which will afford fans and readers of Tush Magazine an opportunity of having autographed copies of the 10th issue of Tush Magazine from their favourite artistes/celebrities is scheduled to take place on Saturday the 13th of June, 2015 at Barcelos, Ikeja City Mall between the hours of 3:00 & 6:00 PM.

Confirmed for attendance are: PRAIZ, PASSWORD, GEOFFREY (PROJECT FAME WINNER), GODDESS OF SKILLZ, DJ LO, SUKA SOUNDS, and PEARL who will be doling out their autographs on the Magazine alongside signed CDs and Album copies from Praiz, all for free. The Tush Magazine 10th issue can be downloaded for free here: http://bit.ly/TushMag10

Participation is open to all and it is free.

For Participation, coverage and Inquiries:

Joyce – 08102147332 

Anslem –08081236269


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