Top 5 Reason Why Some Men Prefer Prostitue



80% of women are pros titute. It only depends if they are WILD protitutes or DOMESTIC pros titutes. The wild ones are the ones that stands in the hotels for commercial s*x trade while the domestic ones are the so-called girlfriends we keep at home with the false impression that we have a decent clean babe all to ourselves, but unfortunately when we are away they sneak out to have s*x with other guys and sugar daddies, now tell me how are they different from the roadside pros titute. My brothers, it is the same thing o. So whether you admit it or not if your wife sleeps around with Chief when you are not in town, then you have a domestic pros titute in your house. So don’t judge other men who sleep with the wild pros titutes in hotels becos you are in their shoes too.
now the 5 reasons some men refer pros titutes are;
1. A pros titute does not expect you to remember her birthday, not to talk of buying her gifts. You don’t also have to take care of her responsibilities like buying her body cream, paying for her hair do, etc. Yet you still enjoy maximum s*x for a little fee which cannot be compared to the expenses we spend on our so-called clean babes. A friend of mine said his girlfriend won’t let him touch her or even talk to her because he didn’t give her a particular amount of money she requested. If this young man must give her that money before he would touch her then what is the difference between her and the pros titute out there?


2. You don’t need to remember the safe period of pros titutes because non of them would come back telling you they are pregnant.

3. pros titutes won’t compel you to get married to them as the last thing on their mind is marriage.


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