
Officially I will want to welcome you all to 2015 once again,I weep Most time when I see many dreams dead and buried. The dead is buried with a CASKET so a DREAM is also Buried with a CASKET.

It took me time to discover my dream, I was never happy until I took writting,talking and Gossiping as a Profession. I was scared of the future bcos I knew I was on a wrong track BUT

What if I told you to close your eyes for a moment and imagine in your subconscious the true reality of pre-destined events.
What if I told you that in the next 120 years or less every human being living now on earth will be dead.

Your friends, famillies, well wishers, enemies, critics- the ones who gave you a fight, even the ones who turned your dreams into night mares and those who cheered you to victory regardless, including you reading this piece now will be no more, only dust.

This is the truth, the fact, that place out the exact nature of the human life, a principle. But you see, what’s more painful than burying a corpse in a casket is like burying the dream of a Soul.

Dreams never allowed to come to unfolding due to the systematic intrusion of fear, and then Doubt, and then the listening to other people’s opinion spilling out and finally the postponing syndrome from a disease know to the mind in simple words as laziness with symptoms of “I will do it tomorrow and not today” till tomorrow never came and what’s now left is the remains of a dreamer lying dead in a casket with all that should have “become” in there with him.

Great world discoveries never made, and now the world would never know his name and its a shame how potentials die as only potentials.

Never seem taken to the sky to fly but now left as nothing to be eaten by maggots, worms and creatures alike, trapped in this box of never to come Alive.
Dreams stabbed to death by distractions floating all around,See your dreams are not mere wishes and you can’t afford to make it seem so.

See what drags a dream into the casket is a heart that is unwilling and your unwillingness keeps God’s heart bleeding.
So come on people, do it now,start it today

And if you fail,do it again for the host of angels are cheering you even until that day saying you where born for no other reason but this.

The dreams is the beauty inside of you, make it come alive,make them tangible because life is meaningless without a birth of dream, take the risk for there’s a thin line drawn between death and greatness.

Do it now with all your strength for there will be no other better time for success. Watch your flesh bleed and bones break for its better you go to your grave with body parts incomplete but with a fulfilled dream.

Never leave this world not announced.

Let this world know you were here! Let your life count! And finally when your eyes are now faded to the light and you body now lowered to the sand and you spirit stands face to face with your creator questioning,it wouldn’t really matter if it rained hell or the sun didn’t shine that day. It wouldn’t matter if you were born rich or you died poor.

All that would matter is …….. Did you let those beautiful dream in your head take place ?

So people,start it now! Because what births the union between dreams and casket is a heart that is unwillingly. I want to see you achieve that dream of Yours, I want to See you affect your generations.


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