Abuja Big Girl Kimberly Put Her Big Bu tt On Display [SEE Photos]





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  1. first of all,she is pretty and resplendid.secondly,i have gone through the comments on this post and found some to be judgemental and flaking in the sense that probably,some know her and some dont.am not here to form Voltron or some defense academy but only to say that some canons are better not fired and some arrows better not shot.Even though we have to speak let it be modest to pass a message to her in as much as some people react or respond to things differently.

  2. A woman with Beauty without character and uncontrolled makes her a PUBLIC DONOR. She is worst than Esau who sold his birth right for a morsel of porridge. they might make the money and worthless fame they crave after but their end is worst than a loathed “SHEET”. They face the consequence of eternal damnation. Kindly give a thought to some reasons why some handsome & successful Guys opts for mannered Women instead. Beautiful but manner less Women are just but attractive orange for the worthless men to suck and dumped with reckless abandonment. You better build up your self internally. this is the only sacrifice you must make with all concerted efforts. You must be thankful to GOD who has already build you up outwardly. ………………Thanks.

  3. A woman with Beauty without character and uncontrolled makes her a PUBLIC DONOR. She is worst than Esau who sold his birth right for a morsel of porridge. they might make the money and worthless fame they crave after but their end is worst than a loathed “SHEET”. They face the consequence of eternal damnation. Kindly give a thought to some reasons why some handsome & successful Guys opts for mannered Women instead. Beautiful but manner less Women are just but attractive orange for the worthless men to suck and dumped with reckless abandonment. You better build up your self internally. this is the only sacrifice you must make with all concerted efforts. You must be thankful to GOD who has already build you up outwardly. This message is for all Beautiful but Manner less Women………………Thanks.

  4. like the tree needs the earth ,,like the night needs the moon,,,like the star needs the sky,,like the guitar needs the tune my world needs u my lov pls send me ur number 08162424049

  5. My Broodas.. you dont have to insult her or make any complain.. these are what make life beautiful.. different ppl with different character, someone food is another one poison. so let’s keep enjoying what internet are givin us… if you always see something decent or holy, i think things will be boring and there will be no encouragement or correction to u watching . so ENJOY WATCHING!

  6. Nothing special about that. Did she create her self? if its about sex, its not different other girls. take that shit out please

  7. Some of you are saying nice hip or this and that. Truth will be bitter to all who are living are fragmented lives such as this but end will be a sorrowful one. Young woman make amend now bc it will not be ‘jolly jolly all the way’.

  8. This absolutely off mind behave.She really doesn’t have character woman
    are meant to be shamefaced people and cover up people she has shown that she doesn’t deserves to be called a woman.

  9. i met such girl i dated her for only one month and i told her i cant continue because her (inner) character and body is worse than that of a prostitute she thought her beauty will make me love her, but a beautiful girl without a acceptable character will soon get married but the union will not last long…

  10. if she’s not married or rich, what criteria does she have to be a big girl? abeg take this curse girl that’s prone to infection away!

    • those who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.


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