Angel Gomes Reacts To Video Of Him Receiving Healing At Prophet TB Joshua’s Church

Man Utd star Angel Gomes speaks out after video of his visit to ...

Man Utd star Angel Gomes speaks out after video of his visit to ...

19-year-old Manchester United player, Angel Gomes, has reacted to a viral video of his visit to prophet TB Joshua’s Church for healing.

Regarding the video that has come out from 2016. I am from a Christian family at the time my mum was a fan of the pastor, and she really wanted me to go. I was going through some issues. From the outside looking in it looks crazy, but I was just practicing my faith.

I didn’t really need to explain myself but a lot of people was asking me what the video was about. I was young at the time and if my parents thought something was best for Me I would do it. There are far more important issues out there in the world we can tackle.

For example #FreeSchoolMeals #maketheUturn !!!!!

Religion is supposed to be personal thing. He must have felt bad seeing how he was ridiculed on social media for practicing his faith.


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