Basic Strategies That Will Improve Your Everyday Life


You may constantly ask yourself the following questions like:

– Am I too lazy to work?
– Should I spend more time with your friends and family?
– Have you read the book I good enough?
– I am in life is progressing quickly enough?
– Should I spend more time to relax?

This is a subjective question constantly repeated. but why? Because we feel good we do not live as much potential. I was involved with the idea that to reach maximum potential, so I forced myself to relax, even when not wanted.

Then I started to make some changes and suddenly everything was incredible. Some of the reasons to achieve peace are as follows:

  1. Meditate 15 minutes a day

Before starting to meditation, I thought it was a waste of time. Just sitting and thinking. I understood why when I have all the time to think, I should do this with eyes closed and sitting. But the idea was stupid.

But the idea was stupid.

The most incredible change that happens in my life I will say big thanks to meditation, the ability to be focused. Not just focus on something, but on a goal and that’s all there is to do.

Whenever my mind is wandering, instead of staying in a daydream, I can control the brain, and it is the task at hand, turn. Giuseppe, a doctor, did an experiment with 12 Zen Meditation Institute (Institute of Japanese meditation) and found that meditation is more stable in the ventral posterior cortex (part of the brain that are responsible for their own thoughts and unconscious mind wander a) help and they are easier to deal with mental distress.

  1. Having an office gratitude

One of the most frustrating things to live is the potential unaware of any progress in the making. We feel, we quickly changed our lives and when quick results are disappointing, and again we get back to old habits.

For example, consider myself to be the best under pressure, and I am very important. But his achievements as “How can I do it better next time do?” To ignore the motivation, I would be killed.

To combat this sense, start writing things that I am grateful for them every day, I was. Every morning, a praise and a brief explanation of why you wrote it. For example, on April 4, wrote: “having a lot of trouble transport my car that was otherwise very expensive, is solved.”

Focus on what I’ve done efficiently keeps me motivated and a list of great things for me is when I felt slows provides.

  1. Start exercise as the first thing in the morning

As a regular gymnast for two years, I can say categorically, exercise three times a week, life will change. How it is almost as important to exercise time.

I exercise after work I would be an excellent way to solve the crisis. Then in the evening, I was with heavy lifting and then go to extracurricular activities, social networks or other social events did not.

Thus, a small change instead of going to the gym at night, in the morning I gave the following results:

My training was completed faster, and I did not have to wait for anything.
I was focusing easier.
I had more energy for the rest of the day.
Doctor Cedric Bryant, chief science Sports Council of America, The Huffington Post says: “morning exercises lead to better energy levels throughout the day and therefore increases mental alertness.”

  1. live life more slowly.

I’ve already talked about the anxiety of being an entrepreneur, and I realized that a large part of my concern for the future of my life. Not in science fiction, flying cars, and robots, the type of life, but also your mental space.

I am always rushing to complete everything, and I constantly thought about things that need to get done during the days, weeks and months, I thought. I, with tasks that could not function properly, I was a mess. I worked 8 to 10 hours a day and rush everywhere to make sure you do everything (gym, social life, work) I, was seen. It was terrible.

So I went slower.

Now, before bed only days after written tasks and focus only on those tasks would be completed. Any thoughts on what you need “future me” on a piece of paper (or text file on your laptop) written and directed away from my mind.

Once written tasks did not write more things, and I let myself focus on other things. If something is not done, it is something that should be done the next day, as simple as that.

When you’re working toward a big goal, the fact is respected. If you are one step every day to achieve whatever you’re looking for, closer, you’ve earned your potential.

So do:

– Download any Mediation app for Smartphone
– Buy a notebook and a beautiful pen and write down three things you’re grateful for each day.





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