#BBNaijaReunion: Alex breaks down, cries and walks out after Cee-C revealed to the World that she had Se-x with Tobi in South Africa after the show (Video)


It all started when Ebuka asked Alex about the dramas that happened in the house between herself, Cee-C and Tobi Bakre.

Of course Alex said, “Nothing was going on between the three of them”.. Then a little drama ensued….

Alex revealed that after the show ended, Cee-C came to her hotel room, where she was with Tobi to thrash things out with him after they were at loggerheads during the show. She said Tobi refused to speak to her and closed the door on her.

According to her, Tobi stayed in her room because the lock in his room was bad and Miracle’s room wasn’t available.

When it was Cee-C’s turn to speak, she broke a mighty table and alleged that Alex had Se-x with Tobi in her hotel room.

According to her, she said the first thing Nina told her on the plane on their way to Nigeria was that Alex and Tobi had Se-x in the hotel room.

Nina also got into the conversation, by also disclosing that it was Miracle who told her that Tobi revealed to him that he had Se-x with Alex in her hotel room.

The revelation made by Cee-C saw Alex break down in uncontrollable tears and then walked out from the reunion show. At one point, she even threatened to break the camera when she was being followed.

Watch the video below;

Some reactions below;

@caritwinkle: Ceec coming on national TV to tell that Alex and Tobi had Se-x shows she still loves Tobi and is bitter with Alex.

@_hrh_sandrakes: So what if Alex slept with tobi?was she suppose to take permission from ceec? I hate nonsense.

@Misturr_KayC: Nina na fooool?? Said she had something to say only to scatter what is left of the tobi and alex Se-x table.

@sunnyukc: Ceec wanted this conversation to move in a matured direction but Alex was busy throwing stones everywhere,now Ceec has shattered everything!

@Ms_Knzi: So cee-c is evil because she doesn’t cry? ?.okurrr. Alex gave her own version, Cynthia kept her cool. Just smiling. And when Cynthia brought receipts… Boom..tears everywhere. Lesson for all: Don’t dish what you can’t take. #doublewahalareloaded

@_hrh_sandrakes: So what if Alex slept with tobi?was she suppose to take permission from ceec? I hate nonsense.

@Gozman5050: Tobi told miracle : guys do dat always. Miracle told
nina: during knacking.
Nina told ceecee: gossip
Ceecee told d world: confirmed witch.


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