“Better For Your Family To Use You For Money Ritual Than Vote For PDP” – Slay Queen


A Nigerian lady identified as Victoria Vicky has taken to her Facebook page to give her support to President Buhari and in her own opinion, she feels it will be better for a one’s family members to use one for money ritual than for one to vote for PDP in the coming 2019 election.

In a series of posts she made on Facebook, she didn’t at any point hide her hatred for the opposition party and she campaigned seriously for the APC.

Read her posts below:

It’s better to commit suicide or let your family use you for money ritual than to vote for PDP in 2019, it’s not worth it.

All those senators and house of representatives from the north decamping to PDP won their elections because of the goodwill of the then-candidate Buhari.therefore President Buhari is still going to win his seat again… but those lawmakers that decamp to PDP I guarantee you they will all loose their seats come 2019.

All these defection doesn’t have any impact on buhari 2019, they are not the one to vote for him, and with their defection most of them have ended their political career. Cuz that doesn’t stop buhari from winning in 2019. Most people that defected now have no any contributions to the party before. Note it down that is their end.

Some people are rejoicing too soon.
Most of the people that left had always been in the APC opposing the APC. They surely know they wont get a ticket under APC again.
Just wondering if those that have been in PDP, participated in PDP convention and used their resources for the PDP will sit and wait for decampees to snatch their tickets from them.
The game is far from over….its coming a little too late.

APC still stands a big chance.
Wait for primaries in PDP and see how everything will scatter.
The other day it was parties signing agreement with PDP which one by one they started to deny,
Its not even up to 6 hrs, one is already saying he is not part of the decampees.



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