Bosnia, Argentina beatable – Kesh


Still smarting from the barren draw with Iran, Super Eagles Coach Stephen Kesh has waived off the challenges of Bosnia and Argentina saying that they are not unbeatable just as he said that he was not God to guarantee victory against the two remaining crack teams in Group F.

‘’Lets not give up hope. We all saw what happened in the match between Holland and Spain. Nobody expected that to happen. We also saw what happened between Germany and Portugal. That is football for you.

Nigeria’s coach Stephen Keshi gives a press conference at the Baixada Arena in Curitiba on June 15, 2014, on the eve of their Group F 2014 FIFA World Cup football match against Iran. AFP PHOTO

Anything can happen, so let us not rule out the possibility of beating Bosnia and Argentina and progress to the second round”, he preached.

But a question on whether he could give assurance of victory against Bosnia and Argentina got him on the wrong side as he flared up. ‘’I’m not God. I can’t give anybody any assurance. Even the best coaches in the world can’t give assurance on any match. What I will do is to go back and prepare the team hoping that they play better than what they played today.

The Iranians were hard and prepared for us. You guys are making me to sound like a broken record. We didn’t win today and that is not the end of the world. There are still other games to play”, Keshi scoffed.


Is this Super Eagles capable ?


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