Burna Boy Remains A Liar Until Universal Records Confirms His Deal—Etcetera




Controversial singer-cum-columnist, Etcetera, has come after Burna Boy, who announced not too long ago that he penned a deal with Universal Records.

Etcetera disclosed that Burna Boy remains a liar until the reputable label confirms his claims. He said the young artiste deceive his loyal fans with one of the biggest lies ever told.

He wrote, ‘The guys at Universal are not jokers. They are strictly in it for the money. They don’t attach sentiments to their dealings. They know that songwriting is not actually a business. There’s no financial element attached to songwriting in itself. It is the job of the music publisher to turn the song into something that can generate income. Can Burna’s song guarantee the kind of financial returns we are talking about here?

‘How many CDs has he sold in Nigeria as an artist? I am not talking of the free downloads of singles on blogs, but the copies of actual albums he has sold. How many people have his album in their homes? The pink and brown contract sneaked up on us on Instagram could have been printed at Oluwole. Until Universal Music Group authenticates these claims, everything Burna has said could not be true.

‘The first thing I checked was if Universal Music Group issued any statement to that effect. The websites of Universal in America, South Africa and other countries had nothing suggesting they have anything with Burna Boy. Their Facebook pages said nothing too. There is an official statement on every deal they have made.

‘The truth is, there’s no song of Burna that suggests he is anywhere close to being the kind of songwriter we are talking about here. This guy sounds like he does not want anyone to pick out his lines.’


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