Denrele Edun Remembers Goldie After One Year



They meet in 2006 and became the best of friends, however, she did not live long to spend time with him when she died last year on Valentine’s Day, Denrele who was at the hospital bed before she died has written about her and given us insights to why she was a special person in his life in this poignant tribute.

He writes “A friend who dies………it’s something of you who dies.Trying to figure out what to write today has been one of the most draining and difficult things I’ve ever had to do and what I realized is that these mechanisms of my body, mind and language are too ill-equipped to portray with justice the gravity of the loss that I feel.

Goldie Harvey was my soul mate. Everything about Goldie was unique. Everything about Goldie was complex. She wasn’t only beautiful, she was so captivatingly beautiful in and out that no eye could avoid her, and once she had hooked you with her charming innocence, you were blown away by a beauty that was at once shy and confident, sultry and innocent, inviting and biting and as such, I always described her as a Siren of Sorts!

I used to tell my friends, “Wait until you meet my personal person Goldie, you go love am die.” And I was never proven wrong. We have all been in love with Goldie Harvey.When I met her, I was blown away by the bizarre and beautiful world that was wrapped up in this tiny whimsical creature.

…Honestly, every life is like a book. Some are long. Some are short. And, I remind myself that a long book doesn’t always mean that it’s a good book. Some long books- and lives- are filled with pain, bitterness and sorrow. Maybe it’s a long life that is void of love. Goldie was going to be one of those great, yet short books.


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