Determination is the key



Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is a theory of motivation. It is concerned with supporting our natural or intrinsic tendencies to behave in effective and healthy ways. SDT has been researched and practiced by a network of researchers around the world.


The theory was initially developed by Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan, and has been elaborated and refined by scholars from many countries. Deci is currently a professor in the Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology at the University of Rochester, in Rochester NY, USA; Ryan, a clinical psychologist, and was recently appointed as Professor at the Institute for Positive Psychology and Education at the Australian Catholic University in Sydney, Australia.  Together and separately Deci and Ryan have promoted SDT through theory, research and their ongoing training of scholars.


This website presents a brief overview of SDT and provides resources that address important issues such as human needs, values, intrinsic motivation, development, motivation across cultures, individual differences, and psychological well-being. Also addressed are the applications of Self-Determination Theory to:


  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Relationships
  • Psychotherapy
  • Psychopathology
  • Organizations
  • Sports and Exercise
  • Goal

    A determined person will do more with a pen and paper, than a lazy person will accomplish with a personal computer.You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference, and that a small group of determined people can change the course of history.”PERSIST”. Because with an idea, determination, and the right tools, you can do great things.Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.

  • This life or world is not easy so if we are not DETERMINED we can never be who we wanna be or do what we wanna do…….so why waste this precious life killing, stealing…Let’s make a difference to this world and say NO to crime and be useful  in life…Don’t let  people say you  came and saw alone  but let them say YOU  CAME, SAW, AND CONQUERED……….FASHOYIN DAMILOLA



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