Lil Baby – The Bigger Picture

Lil Baby The Bigger Picture

Lil Baby The Bigger Picture

Lil Baby The Bigger Picture Mp3 Audio Download 

Lil Baby touches on the recent events that have launched the Black Lives Matter movement protests, and he also shares a bit of his own story. Back in 2014, he was arrested on a drug charge and spent two years in prison; a case that many didn’t believe was tried fairly. Stream “A Bigger Picture” by Lil Baby and le us know what you think.

Listen to the official audio for Lil Baby’s “The Bigger Picture.”

Quotable Lyrics

They killin’ us for no reason
Been goin’ on for to long to get even
Throw us in cages like dogs and hyenas
I went to court and they sent me to prison
My mama was pissed when they said I can’t leave


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